Global Competitiveness Index Albania Ranks at 80 Place Among 138 Economies


      The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017 released by the World Economic Forum has provided an assessment on the competitiveness landscape of 138 economies, where Albania was also included, showing insight into the drivers of their productivity and prosperity. With reference to Albania, the report has shown that Albania has moved up by 13 places, ranking it at 80 place among 138 assessed economies, while in the region Albania was ranked after Macedonia, leaving behind Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Greece. With regards to the assessment, based on the main pillars, Albania has made progress in all indices, by ranking it at first place among 30 assessed economies for the second phase of “efficacy enhancers sub-index”. Albania has also made a significant improvement in “basic requirements sub-index”, which analyses institutions, infrastructure, macro-economic environment, health and primary education. Albania has also shown improvement in “Innovation and sophistication sub-index” compared to 2015-2016 Report, by moving up with 9 places, ranking it at 106th place.

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